27 King Street, Scottsdale Tasmania 7260 Ph: 13 13 18
83 Main Street, Bridport Tasmania 7262 Ph: (03) 6356 1201
Main Street, Winnaleah Tasmania 7265 Ph: (03) 6354 2272
16 Main Street, Ringarooma Tasmania 7263 Ph: (03) 6353 2351
39365 Tasman Highway, Nunamara Tasmania 7263 Ph: (03) 6399 3388
Chaffey Street, Gladstone Tasmania 7264 Ph: (03) 6357 2182
59 Main Road, Derby Tasmania 7264 Ph: (03) 6354 2334
While elsewhere in Tasmania people are tucking up by the fire and going into winter hibernation, North East Tasmania comes alive to celebrate and showcase local arts and crafts annually on the June long weekend.
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